Monday 18 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the entire process of creating my media AS coursework, i have used a range of programs. The programs I used were:

Adobe Photoshop CS5

I used this program to ultimately cover the whole creative aspect of the coursework, as it had every tool that i needed to create the highest quality of work.


The program is available at the college, and is regarded as the most advanced and best photo editing software. It covers every possible option in regards to editing and creating. I already knew how to use it, therefore it was all very coherent for me. It also gives the option to save in a large variety of formats.


For first time users, the complexity of it may be hard to grasp, plus it does occasionally 'lag', and hide certain bars down the right hand side, which is a pain to recover. Other than that, the program is pretty much faultless, yes- Adobe continue to publish more and more editions. For people using it at home, it is a very expensive piece of kit, costing around £160.

What I Learnt-

I learnt to consider aspects of photos such as camera angle, shot distance, composition and location. Plus of course, many of the tools to manipulate the photograph.


This web program allowed me to post annotations on my magazine pages, making my evaluations very coherent. I could then post these photo links onto my blogger.

The program has a wide range of options to categorize and annotate your images; it is of course free, and a reliable website for posting your portfolios of work.


The site isn't very coherent to navigate around, plus I needed to create a yahoo email address to use it.


As you may have guessed, i used Blogger as it is a free yet officient blogging program, allowing me to cover all the aspects of my coursework and write explanations for different aspects of the course.    


The website is free, and simple- it allows any format to be placed onto the blog, and has the option to add photos and videos etc; which is very helpful.


On a number of occasions, i have lost large amounts of work, as it has simply 'dissapeared' off of my blog.


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